Shark Bites Surfer’s Board


Shark bites surfer’s board off Tasmania’s East coast.

A man in his mid 20s was out surfing in Nettley bay, Marrawah, when a shark knocked him off his board.

The man and a friend were the only two in the water when the incident occurred this afternoon around 12:30 pm.

There were no injuries, though the estimated 9ft (3m) shark reportedly left teeth marks in the man’s board.

According to Surfing Tasmania the conditions were poor and the water was murky.

Tasmania is an isolated island off Australia’s south coast and Marrawah is located on the north-west side of the island.

Netley’s beach is approximately one mile long (1.5km) and is a popular fishing and surfing spot.

Surfing Tasmania has recommended all surfers avoid the area today and be extremely cautious over the next few days, if choosing to surf the area.

The location has been marked on the 2016 shark attack bites tracking map.

Last year a 46-year-old scallop diver was killed by a shark off the coast of Maria Island, which is located on the south east side if the islands.

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One Thought to “Shark Bites Surfer’s Board”

  1. WThefs

    I wonder why they were surfing in such bad conditions? I am glad they were not hurt, but I do question their choice.

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